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Everyone is welcome as we experience the miraculous!

It has been prophesied that there will continue to be an overflow of God’s presence and the miraculous, as well as restoration for those who have gone away from the Lord. If you are a “prodigal son” who has been away from the presence of the Lord for some time or if you consider AGC your church home and you have not attended recently, please find a way to be in attendance Tuesday, March 5 at 7:00 PM. No matter the hurt or struggle, God is able to restore.
Prayer will be held at 6:00 PM prior to the worship service.
The outpouring has begun… Revival and harvest continue tomorrow at 7pm. Monday, March 4, 6:00 prayer followed by 7:00 worship service. Come expecting a word from the Lord for your situation!
Everyone is welcome as we experience the miraculous this weekend! International Evangelist Charles Robinette will be speaking Friday evening, March 1 at 7:00PM. Reverend Venny Azzolini will minister both Sunday morning 10:30AM and Sunday evening 6:30PM. Services will continue through Monday as we gather at 6:00PM for prayer and worship service at 7:00PM.

Please share this event through your social media so others can be a part of this exciting weekend!


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